Sunday, October 4, 2015

Design 3- Assignment 2

So moving on into the next phase of design 3, we're still using the previous project's ideals i.e. the 12 series of pictures and drawings. 12 pictures, 12 drawings, and now 12 models. 

The materials were gonna be using involve that of plexi, white museum board, chipboard, wire, and no if ands or buts... Wax. We are told to chose 3, including wax, as our lowest limit. I've chosen to go with plexi, chipboard, and wax and possibly wire. Tbd. 

Anyway, we made 12 process models. PROCESS. That means ugly. And the uglier the better. It just means you're using additive and subtractive thought freely. 
So this bad boy is pretty ugly if I don't say so myself. 

Either way, the time schedule we have is around two weeks. I'm currently behind on finishing my PROCESS models but that's due to personal reasons. I have jumped ahead and finished three process models completely and finish one model entirely, so 1 out of 12 done, where most people will have a secure 12 process only done. You win some and lose some.

This is my first completed model. I plan to have my professor look at it and I definitely want to discuss color flow of the material with her. I think the wire will add and pull together the industrial look I am going for. 

Thanks for keeping up with me ! 

-Michelle C. Harter